Agro-photovoltaic systems, the sustainable choice for energy and agriculture


Agro-photovoltaic systems, a sustainable choice for the country: this is the proposal of Anie Rinnovabili, Elettricità Futura and Italia Solare to solve the problem of decarbonisation, the production of clean energy and the relaunch of our agriculture.

Combine the benefits of the production of clean energy, through photovoltaic panels, the recovery of unused land and the related reactivation of agricultural production through the installation of photovoltaic systems. Agro-photovoltaic systems could really become a primary choice for our country in this moment of energy and economic crisis. Definitely a choice of sustainability.

A German project launched in 2016 by the Fraunhofer Institute highlighted the multiple advantages of agro-photovoltaics: in addition to increasing the yields of agricultural land, improvements were also noted in the distribution of water during rainfall, a lower soil temperature.

The semi-transparent photovoltaic panels used during the experimentation, in fact, improved the shading conditions allowing the crops to better deal with the hot and dry conditions – which makes this application particularly interesting for areas of our country at risk of desertification and with overt problems related to low rainfall.

From these experiences and from a wide range of motivations linked to the political-economic situation led Anie Rinnovabili, Elettricità Futura and Italia Solare to elaborate the document Agro-photovoltaic systems which aims to “contribute to the definition, shared by the operators sector, of an agro-photovoltaic system characterized by the simultaneous presence of agricultural and energy activities on the same portion of the territory, preserving the agricultural vocation of the land “.

The thesis of the three trade associations is based on the assumption that, as with the superbonus, a strong awareness of energy saving technologies has been activated, so, through the installation of agro-photovoltaic systems, agriculture will be able to exploit renewable technologies innovative.

